Since 2018 I’m heading the database group at the University of Applied Sciences in Mittweida. Before, I’ve been a scientific member of different institutions at the University of Leipzig including the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics, the LIFE Research Center, and the Database Group. I got a Ph.D in 2007 from the Computer Science Dpt. of the University Leipzig with a thesis about data integration approaches in the Life Science domain.

My interests are very broad and ranges from database specific topics, such as Big Data approaches, techniques and systems for managing and analyzing data, to its application in different domains including bioinformatics, forensics, and medical sciences. I’m working in several Germany-wide working groups on national level aiming at sharing scientific data across different sites. Moreover, I’m involved in several scientific projects working on integrating and analyzing epidemiological and environmental data.

I’m an associated member of the

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Our recent published work is shown here.

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